Thursday 5 February 2015

Cheap Monday Glasses

It's been some time seen I donned some glasses, being a slave to contacts. But it was time to take a break and try something new. The only ones in the opticians that stood out, and by one of my favourite brands. 

This classic wayfarer style gave me what I wanted, sophistication but not forgetting those vintage roots. Glasses are an exstension, an accessory, so these were perfect for everyday and evening wear. I also love how they suit my new beard length too, just making me look all round neater and presentable.


  1. Love your glasses, Matthew. I think it's fun to mix and match different prints so I really like the way you paired the plaid in your shirt and scarf together. - Jenn

  2. Really like the specs. I noticed them on Helen's birthday trip blog. Very nice. I also think the beard being shorter is so much more attractive. All together make for a very attractive man. Luck Helen...and Lucky you..she is pretty awesome too.

  3. In the photos the wood effect of the frame looks pretty convincing, is it so also to the naked eye? What's the brand? Thanks!

  4. In the photos the wood effect of the frame looks pretty convincing, is it so also to the naked eye? What's the brand? Thanks!

  5. Welcome to the world of blogging! Fab photos by the way, love your style :)
